Sunday, January 11, 2009

kid speaks

Kids often do quite odd things some times. It is a cause of confusion, much scratching of head and complete frustration in progression. To understand that, your baby is not really trying to make your life hell by screaming at 2 am in the morning requires fair bit of faith in humanity. But keep the faith; she is just trying to communicate some simple discomfort that needs your attention. Of course all the subtle differences aside, one must understand they are very new at this. All the fuss is usually about the two things they managed to learn, eat and poop. At least 90% of the time it’s not that scary baby disease whose symptom just match your babies cries. It’s not colic/cooties/fever/diarrhea, it’s just that either something needs to go in or something needs to come out, or it’s already is out.
For example, I have (unfortunately), the most finicky baby in the block. She is always in extreme discomfort if her nappy is least bit wet. I didn’t really get it the first month, caused us quite a few sleepless night.
Finally after almost 4 months I am slowly figuring out a code … deciphering “the baby lingo”.

Superwoman to not-so-supermom

As we, "the today’s superwomen" progress towards motherhood, we are apprehensive, but fairly confident. I mean, we are the batch of women who manage 12 hr jobs, and still manage to pursue family, friends, hobbies, exercise, movies, coffee breaks, eating outs, cooking ins and even that 4 minutes everyday to apply some makeup! Anyway we got that three whole months of maternity leave. Obviously take the job out of equation for “THREE WHOLE MONTHS” it can be easily done, right? After that the baby is practically an adult and your mother or mother-in-law can take over the quite easy job of baby sitting and you can resume your life … oh alright, so you will drop may be an occasional outings or two, to accommodate spending time with the cute lil angel you have at home now. I mean that French minister joined back at work after 5 days of delivery right? And you have 3 whole months!
Bang you have the baby and you realize and keep on realizing, it’s an impossible task … and you thought impossible is not a word that exists in your superwoman dictionary J
Well the only thing correct in all your assumption about motherhood turns out to be the fact that, it is, in fact, 100%, a cute little angel. Which will bode not too well for you, as the cuteness is a sure shot weapon to completely enslave you.
Do I hear you say, hey what all do you have to do to manage feeding and cleaning up after an infant? I mean the thing is not even half a dozen kilos, how much can it eat (and the food by the way is not something you have to make, your body is making it automatically) and how much can it poop? And anyway it sleeps most of the time, right?
J I don’t know the answer to it. I am not sure what I do all day. All I know is I always go to bed sleep deprived and back broken and completely utterly satisfied. The baby taking care part leaves you too exhausted to do anything else and the satisfaction part keep you addicted for more. Of course if the recent recession just left you jobless (like me ;) ) the understanding of previously unknown concepts like single income family and budget is again another thing to add in your exhausting list of chores and worries … but then this blog is not about that. It’s about me and my recently parent friends, our experiences. The things we learnt the hard way. Hoping it would help the yet to be parents and may be put a smile of recognition to the already parents.